I am a happy Prometheus user.
The conditions I monitor for may require human intervention, therefore we need alerting. I use Alertmanager for that.
Out of Alertmanager’s notification receivers, I like email, for which we need a SMTP server.
This is where Amazon Simple Email Service comes into play.
SES is, essentially, SMTP as a service.
Integrating Alertmanager with Amazon SES
Create your SMTP credentials
Add the following configuration to Alertmanager:
# alertmanager.yml:
- name: "email"
- to: "${TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS}" # you@example.com
from: "${FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS}" # alertmanager@example.com
smarthost: "email-smtp.${SES_SMTP_REGION}.amazonaws.com:587"
auth_username: "${SES_SMTP_USERNAME}"
auth_password: "${SES_SMTP_PASSWORD}"
require_tls: true
Reload Alertmanager and you should be all set.